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CARTER is funded by the Rural Development Program of the Veneto Region 2014-2020. The full project title is “Biochar and new forest plantation areas: a winning combination for the soil carbon conservation and sequestration”.

The holistic research approach of the Innovation Group AUFWERTEN – Agroforestry for Environmental Services, Energy Production and Added Value – covers the field of nature- and environmental protection, landscape design, engineering, logistics, marketing, economics, governance and participation to show how agroforestry practices could work in Germany.

In this project know-how is transferred to Austria and to six farms that implement silvoarable agroforestry systems, which also serve as demonstration sites after the end of the project. Further we want to promote a national agroforest network and develop Austrian specific information material for farmers, advisors and interested parties.

The project SIGNAL (Sustainable intensification of agriculture through agroforestry) conducts research on alley cropping systems. It  studies ecological and environmental functions, the profitability and social acceptance of agroforestry systems in different regions of Germany.

The LIVINGAGRO project addresses the challenge of knowledge and technological transfer in Mediterranean agroforestry systems to achieve and share good practices aimed at sustainable production.

Coordinated by Coventry University, AGROMIX brings together researchers, farmers and policymakers to explore the transition towards resilient farming, efficient land management, and sustainable agricultural value chains in Europe.

The AGFOSY project final conference was held on 2 November 2020. The main result of the common work is a complex yet flexible agroforestry training system.

The aim of the project is to develop, investigate and disseminate forest farming in Denmark; a system whereby woody plants are grown in combination with agricultural production on the same area to ensure more sustainable production.

The EU research project, MIXED, will support the development of European Mixed Farming and Agroforestry Systems that optimize efficiency and resource use, reduce GHG emissions, and show greater resilience to climate change by considering agronomic, technical, environmental, economic, institutional, infrastructure and social advantages and constraints.

The project LUIGI – Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure – Multifunctional Ecosystem Services for more liveable territories aims at shaping a transalpine network of Green Infrastructure (GI) as ecological, economic and cultural connectivity factor of rural and urban Alpine territories.